
Ten films and series about love

This week, ten films and series about love  to watch safely home.

On the bilingual Movieintheair blog, I do for you a press review every Wednesday and keep the best of national and international audiovisual news.


Special Valentine day

Ten films & series about love




Timothée Chalamet did a commercial, as Edward Scissor hands, during the Super Bowl and it’s beautiful.


  • The César nominations were revealed today: films seen by a small number of viewers and films that did not have the chance to be nominated. It will take place on March 12th at the Olympia.

Is this fair?



  • The 18th edition of the International Festival of Oceanic Documentary Film 2021 is entirely digital.

From February 9 to 14, 2021, seven documentaries in competition are accessible in the Pacific and in metropolitan France via the FIFO. platform.

Discover Ka huaka’i, the journey to Merrie Monarch.  (source: La1ereFranceTV Info)


  • Summer of Soul : a thrilling documentary at the Sundance Festival:  The Guardian


Meet the Artist: Ahmir


  • Flee, awarded at the Sundance Festival

Directed by Jonas Poher Rasmussen

Written by Jonas Poher Rasmussen and Amin Nawabi (a pseudonym)

Edited by Janus Billeskov Jansen

Flee Trailer | Sundance 2021



  • Breaking & Exciting (Casse-Coeur), by Peter Facinelli, on all platforms, as from today on all platforms.

With Jordan Hinson, Milo Gibson, James Kyson Lee

Production: Cecile Cubilo – Jordan Danger (as Jordan Hinson) – Martine Melloul




Forum des Images: to watch online every Monday

>> Monday 15 January – Zoom on… Fous d’Irène – by Adrien Dénouette  

Can you love Jim Carrey and the cinema? Adrien Dénouette analyzes a sequence from one of the craziest films by Jim Carrey, star of the subversive comedy of the 1990s.

>> Monday 22 February – Zoom on… Chronicle of a summer – by Valérie Vignaux

Paris, summer 1960: Edgar Morin and Jean Rouch, sociologist and filmmaker, undertake an experiment in cinéma-vérité, by questioning Parisians about their lives, their points of view, their aspirations. A portrait of French society against the backdrop of the Algerian war.

  • A new documentary, Allen vs Farrow,  about the case ALLEN-FARROW, by HBO as from February 21st.

Allen v. Farrow: Official Teaser | HBO





  • 10th anniversary of the Festival Le Temps Presse, April 6 to 11, 2021 
  • The Cannes Film Festival will take place from July 7 to 15 as well as other festivals: La Semaine de la Critique, l’Acid, La Quinzaine des Réalisateurs
  • The 10th anniversary edition of the Champs-Élysées Film Festival will take place from September 14 to 21, 2021.


  •  78 th Golden Globe nominations have been revealed: best movies; Mank, The Trial of Chicago 7, The Father, Nomadland & Promising Young Woman. I bet on  Mank ;). Answer on February 28th.

Golden Globes website 








Interview avec Thierry Ardisson




Une interview passionnante pour Télérama

Jean-Claude Carrière, l'homme derrière le cinéma français (1/2)




To watch now on Canal + : Murder by Decree by Bob Clarck



Christopher Plummer dies at 91



Christopher Plummer Dies At 91



Director of photography of all great movies directed by Fellini and of All That Jazz by Bob Fosse.



Giuseppe Rotunno Tribute
















The official date of birth of the cinema is December 28, 1895.

As early as March 1896, Alice Guy,  Léon Gaumont’s secretary, imagined his future by turning the very first fiction in history: “La Fée aux choux. “(The Cabbage Fairy).

Pamela Green investigated the life of Alice Guy-Blaché.

Alice Guy invented special effects, slow motion, speeded up, superimpositions, blockbuster and even close-ups. Almost all the grammar of today’s cinema. She told people to be natural, and she loved people. maybe that was why she succeeded so well.

By the end of her life she will have made more than a thousand of them.

We follow the director as she carries out the work of a true historian. She finds film reels where we see her on very old films. 

Alice Guy-Blaché began her career in France as a stenographer and then continued her career in the United States. 

Pamela Green also discovers that many women worked as directors but their work was completely obscured afterwards.

This fascinating documentary can be seen at the moment on Canal+ narrated and produced by Jodie Foster whoo is very committed to the defence of women in the movie industry.

As for the women directors, a book will be released on March 4th, and is paying tribute to them, written by Véronique Le Bris: 100 grands films de réalisatrices –  De La fée aux choux à Wonder Woman, Quand les femmes s’emparent du cinéma, prefaced by Julie Gayet.



The Cabbage Fairy


Be Natural (on Canal+)

Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Indie









Notting Hill is the romantic comedy par excellence.

The love story between the famous actress Anna Scott played by Julia Roberts and William Thacker, the bookseller of Notting Hill, played by Hugh Grant, in roommate with the hilarious Spike, played by Rhys Ifans reminds us of William Wyler’s movie Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.

Notting Hill distills magic, romance, comedy and the secondary characters are as endearing as the two heroes. Of course, there is the music piece She, performed by Elvis Costello, a love song composed in English by Charles Aznavour for Seven Faces of A Woman, an English series broadcast from 1974 to 1977.


Notting Hill Official Trailer #1 - (1999) HD









Script : Michael Golamco, Ali Wong, Randall Park

Two childhood friends meet again fifteen years later. Sasha (Ali Wong) is a famous chef and Marcus (Randall Park) works as a plumber in his father’s company while waiting to break through in music…

This romantic comedy is hilarious at times (we think of Jim Carey, the Farelli Brothers).

Keanu Reeves and Randall Park rapping are moments of anthology.

To be seen on Netflix.


Always Be My Maybe | Bande-annonce VOSTFR | Netflix France








If you enjoyed Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and Andy McDowell, then you’ll love Palm Springs.

This romantic comedy is based on a time loop. Nyles played by Andy Samberg, (Brooklyn Nine-Nine television series) and Sarah played by Cristin Milioti (How I Met Your Mother Modern Love ), continuously relives the same day, Cristin’s sister Tala’s wedding day.

A man, Roy, played by J.K. Simmons (Whiplash) is also stuck with them.

The story takes place in the middle of the desert and the colors and contrasts reflect the characters’ solitude and their refusal to face reality (another point in common with Groundhog Day). 

A replica of the film is significant. The protagonists see …. They ask themselves “Are they real? Who cares ? ».

Samuel Jackson makes an appearance at the end.

It is the best romantic comedy I have seen in a long time. 

The soundtrack is great (from Demis Roussos to Hawaiian music,and Leonard Cohen) and you’ll be laughing your ass after five minutes.


As from February 12th on Prime Video


Palm Springs - Trailer (Official) • A Hulu Original Film








Highly expected, this film shot during the lockdown  and initiated by Zendaya tells the story of an evening between a director, Malcolm, played by the brilliant John David Washington (Tenet, Blackklansman) actor and former American soccer player, and his girlfriend Marie, played by Zendaya, a brilliant actress, revealed in the Euphoria series and winner of an Emmy this year (the youngest winner in the history of Emmys).




Malcolm returns from the screening of his film at a preview. He is happy and wishes to celebrate this event. Marie is not happy because he did not thank him, even though the film is inspired by her life as a former drug addict. And the argument begins.

What could be oppressive for the viewer is not.

The two actors are prodigious and complement each other completely. The breaks and the crazy soundtrack give us time to mature the story of this couple in crisis. Shot in black and white, the aesthetics are magnificent and their bodies too, and Zendaya‘s talent explodes again.

Sam Levinson once again tackles a subject he knows well for having treated it in Euphoria, the drug. Zendaya doesn’t play the role of a drug addict as in Euphoria, but of a former drug addict with all the self-hatred and alienation from society that that implies.

And if the subject is simple, the film is a real success. The actors echo each other’s words like ping pong balls and remind me of certain scenes, in a more dramatic register of Noah Baumbach‘s movie, Marriage Story.

To be seen at the moment on NETFLIX.


Malcolm & Marie | Bande-annonce officielle VOSTFR | Netflix France









Season 2 of Home for Christmas on Netflix takes us once again into the funny and slightly zany universe of its heroine, Johanne, played by Ida Elise Broch.

The series, created by Per-Olav Sorensen, takes place in Norway, and Johanne, in her thirties, “eternally” single, no longer wants to come alone to Christmas dinners, a time when family and social pressure is at its peak.

From one season to the next, the young heroine searches for herself, between old relationships, friends and family. Shot in Norway in a world worthy of Santa Claus himself – at night Johanne travels around the city by sleigh – this romantic comedy with very endearing secondary characters does us good and tells us a story where small joys sometimes count more than big ones.


Home for Christmas Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix









Created by producer Shonda Rhimes and show runner Chris Van Dusen, inspired by the novels of Julia Quinn (the first nine books), the series tells the story of Daphne Bridgerton played by Pheobe Dynevor (seen in the series Snatch), the oldest Bridgerton, one of the wealthiest families in London.

The story takes place during the Regency period (1811-1820) and just like in Little Women, women are raised for one purpose, marriage. The beginning of the season arrives, the women are presented, like beautiful cattle, to the men.

Daphne’s widowed mother raises her children alone, assisted by the eldest son, Anthony, an eternal runner who has also struggled to adapt to the rigid society in which he lives.

A gossip magazine regularly circulates about the latest antics of the most prominent people in English society, two of whom are the target, Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset played by René-Jean Page (seen in the series Roots).

The characters evolve from one episode to another in sumptuous sets and costumes and of course love will be there but not necessarily as expected …

A season 2 would be envisaged.

To see at the moment on Netflix. With the voice of Julia Andrews.


BRIDGERTON Trailer 2 (2020) Phoebe Dynevor, Julie Andrews, Netflix Drama Series








What if…

By chance, Tim, played by Domhall Gleeson, discovers that he can travel back in time at the age of 21 by peeping into a closet in his house (a bit like Narnia).

He falls in love with Mary, played by Rachel McAdams. From then on, he won’t have to stop travelling through time to fix his mistakes…

Brilliantly played, tender and funny, this romantic comedy has as an asset the presence of the touching Bill Nighy (sensational actor with an obvious comic potential, seen in Love Actually and Good Morning England) who plays Tim’s father.

Tim tries to live each moment as if it were his last. The secret of happiness?

Note also the presence of Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood…).



Il Etait Temps Bande Annonce VOST








At the call of director Kevin Macdonald and producer Ridley Scott, people from around the world filmed their day on July 25, 2020 and sent in their contributions for a documentary.

Ten years ago, Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald directed a documentary, Life in a Day. The idea: to paint a portrait of a day like any other on Earth, by putting together extracts from videos shot by tens of thousands of anonymous people around the world.

They are re-releasing the concept with Life in a Day 2020, presented on Monday, February 1 at the Sundance Independent Film Festival (USA), and which is available in streaming since February 6 on YouTube. It was very moving to watch it live last Saturday. We were talking  from all different countries.

Kevin Macdonald, Oscar winner for his documentary Un jour en septembre and director of The Last King of Scotland, had agreed to take over the concept of Life in a Day .

This extraordinary documentary (editing must have taken so many hours..) is a unique testimony of these pandemic times and will be a milestone.


Life in a Day 2020 | Official Documentary









I discovered this extraordinary film thanks to my daughter Déborah, directed by Irving Rapper, which is neither a drama nor a romantic comedy, but the quest of a young woman, Charlotte Vale, played by Bette Davis, raised by a tyrannical and possessive mother from the Boston bourgeoisie.

A psychoanalyst comes to her aid and her life will change. On a cruise, she will meet a man and will finally free herself from the demons of the past.

Psychoanalysis is at the heart of the film. When the heroine gets rid of her fears, she ends up loving herself and freeing herself from the hold of her destructive mother, and everything becomes possible.

You should know that the last line of the film is one of the most beautiful I have heard in the cinema.

Adapted from the novel written by Olive Higgins Prouty. 

Irving Rapper has revealed Bette Davis, and will shoot four films with her, her last film is Born Again in 1978 on the Watergate. He lived to be 101 years old.



Now, Voyager (1/10) Movie CLIP - Nervous Breakdown (1942) HD








This western is a total success.

1870. Texas. Afro American are lynched. Violence is everywhere.

Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, played by Tom Hanks, goes from town to town to read the news to the inhabitants. He is a newsman. He discovers in the forest a frightened, abandoned little girl, Johanna, played by Helena Zengel. She was kidnapped at a very young age by the Indians who murdered her family.

She is Indian, speaks only Kiowa and has not received any “American” education.

Captain Jefferson is planning to bring her back to her family but it will not be without pitfalls.

Paul Greengrass is a journalist as well as a filmmaker. We feel in this film his love of stories and words, and especially of information, one of the foundations of democracy.

Tom Hanks and the young Helena Zengel (nominated for the Golden Globes this year) play together these wounded, nomadic characters who love beautiful stories.

To be seen on Netflix today.


NEWS OF THE WORLD Trailer 2 (2020) Tom Hanks, Western Movie HD







This beautiful family film broadcast on Netflix tells the story of a mother who has raised her three daughters alone and finds herself widowed.

Her husband left her twenty years ago and returned to Taiwan to die. He dies on her birthday and she still wants to celebrate him…

A film about grief, family secrets and guilt, Little Big Women is a film about the torments of girls torn between their feelings and their filial duty.


Little Big Women | Official Trailer | Netflix







Created by the writers of Stranger Things and Black Mirror, William Bridges and Brett Goldstein, this six-episode series (renewed for a second season) projects us into a world where science can determine who our soul mate is.

All you have to do is take a test.

Tested couples who have found their soulmate walk down the street, happy and confident. Some happy couples who met before the test question themselves.

In the first episode, Nikki and Franklin met as young people and parents of two young children. But they are approaching 40 and are beginning to question themselves.

Brilliantly played by two great actors that are Sarah Snook (seen in the series Succession) and Kingsley Ben Adir (One night in Miami), the first episode of the series makes you want to see the others.


Currently on Prime Video

Soulmates - Official Trailer | New Series 2021 | Amazon Prime Video





Paris Police 1900



This series created by Fabien Nury, scriptwriter (Guyana series) and comic book author, takes us to the Paris of 1900, as Alfred Dreyfus is about to be tried for a second trial.

Félix Faure has just died.

We plunge directly into a France where anti-Semitism is exacerbated and where no one hides their anti-Semitism, nor their racism, where women are mistreated and depend completely on men, an ugly France, a violent France.

A police intrigue is the pretext to put us in the bath of History with a capital H. The body of a woman is found in a suitcase. And Antoine Jouin, a young inspector, leads the investigation.

Served by excellent actors and a very good direction, it is a series with big means.

Many historians have participated in it. That also explains the quality of its reconstructions.

All sounds alas right and has a sad resonance with our time.

To see at the moment on Canal +: 8 episodes. 


With Jérémie Laheurte, Evelyne Brochu, Thibault Evrard



PARIS POLICE 1900 - Bande-annonce






This film tells the true story of two poor young boys from the suburbs of Mumbai,played by Achintya Bose as Amiruddin Shah and Manish Chauhan as Nishu,  who dream of becoming dancers.

An Israeli teacher, Saul, played by Julian Sands, who emigrated to the United States, arrives in India  to give classes to all the students who are lucky enough to be admitted to the local dance school. But he is embittered, angry and does not get used to the habits of the country.

This classical and beautiful film with great moments of dance (like Billy Elliot) has the merit of showing us another vision of India, an optimistic vision of the country, which gives its young people the opportunity to flourish and succeed, even if this means they have to go into exile.

On Netflix, now.


Yeh Ballet | Official Trailer | Netflix India





Movies about the past



On  ABC: a documentary about Valerie Taylor & her love for sharks


Inner Space - 1973 Television Series Trailer


Crisis, by Nicholas Jarecki

Gary Oldman, Kid Cudi, Evangeline Lilly Greg Kinnear, Michelle Rodriguez, Luke Evans, Lily-Rose Depp.


CRISIS Official Trailer (2021)


The Courier, by Dominic Cooke, avec Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel Brosnahan (Mrs Maisel !)


THE COURIER Trailer (2021)


Honeydew, by  Devereux Milburn, with Sawyer Avery Spielberg (the son!)  


HONEYDEW Trailer (2021) Sawyer Spielberg, Thriller Movie


Alice fades away, by Ryan Bliss


ALICE FADES AWAY Trailer (2021) Thriller Movie


Donna stronger than pretty, by Jaret Martino

DONNA STRONGER THAN PRETTY Trailer (2021) Drama Movie


Ascendant, by Antaine Furlong


ASCENDANT Official Trailer (2021)


The Lady & the dale, documentary about Elisabeth Carmichael


The Lady and the Dale: Official Trailer | HBO


King Kong vs Godzilla, by Adam Wingard


Godzilla Vs. Kong - Official Trailer


Old, by Night Shymalan


M. Night Shyamalan's Old - Official Big Game Trailer (2021)


Cosmic Sin, by Edward Drake


COSMIC SIN Official Trailer (2021)


The Nevers, HBO series, by Joss Whedon


THE NEVERS Trailer (2021) Drama, HBO Max Series

Those who wish me dead, western by Taylor Sheridan with Angelina Jolie

Beartown, series by Anders Weidemann & Antonia Pyk


Beartown: Official Trailer | HBO









France Culture : Les métiers du cinéma

Leçon de Cinéma avec Paul Thomas Anderson


  • Martin Scorsese speaks about Ingmar Bergman


Martin Scorcese On Ingmar Bergman


Make Your Writing Skim-Proof to Dramatically Increase Your Story’s Reading Time| by Tim Denning


Page One: ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ (1991)  by Scott Myers | Feb, 2021


10 (Painful) Lessons I’ve Learned Writing 3,000+ Articles Online Over The Past 7 Years  by Nicolas


A Sundance, le cinéma donne vie à des périodes invisibilisées de l’histoire


Why You Should Write Three Pages of Garbage Every Morning by Scott Myers 


La directrice de la photographie Jeanne Lapoirie : “J’aime le hasard de la lumière naturelle, et c’est André Téchiné qui m’a orientée dans cette voie » (France Culture)





Il Campione



Wednesday 10

Arte : Mademoiselle de Joncquières d’Emmanuel Mouret

In the late 1950s, a lonely boy discovers the power of imagination, love and humor… An adaptation of the autobiographical novel by André Heller, a famous Austrian actor, singer and artist.

6Ter : Benjamin Gates et Le Livre des Secrets


Thursday 11


Arte : En Thérapie

M6 : Insaisissable

TF1 series : Quatre mariages et un enterrement

Canal + Cinema : The Champion : a feel good movie to be seen


Friday 12

Arte : Sur les traces du passé de Nick Baker Monteys

LCP: Gandhi

France 4 : Happy Feet

Chérie 25 : Duchess


Saturday 13

Arte: Le cosmos et les origines de la vie


Sunday 14

W9 : A vif !

TF1 Series : Valentine ’s day

Arte : Romeo & Juliette by Baz Luhrmann


Monday 15

France 3 : La faille

TMC : Dark knight : le chevalier noir

Arte : L’Aigle s’est envolé by John Sturges


Tuesday  16

Canal+ : Radioactive

C8: Moi moche et méchant 3

Arte : Murdoch (documentaire)


Wednesday 17

Arte: Quand on a 17 ans d’André Téchiné








Née à Auschwitz: réalisation Eszter Cseke

Surfeuses et rebelles en Inde

Surfeuses et rebelles Hawaii

Boléro de Ravel

Frantz Liszt : la première rock star

Tony Curtis

Elena Ferrante


La mer en peinture

La mode sous toutes les coutures

Le jeûne, une nouvelle thérapie

La magie du son au cinéma

L’amour à travers le monde

Australie: l’odyssée océanique

Corleone le parrain des parrains

Omar Sharif : une vie de nomade



Vétéran  by Jan Hrebejk, script by Marek Epstein, with  Milan Ondrik

Le jour de mon retour, by James Marsh, with  Rachel Weisz & Colin Firth

Girl , de Luca Dhont

Les raisins de la colère, de John Ford





House of Cards (la première version, anglaise) dès le 12 février 

House of Cards (1990) - Ian Richardson - Susannah Harker - Colin Jeavons - Murder


La Chaîne Parlementaire

LCP offers you a lot of good documentaries: here


La Cinémathèque Française


All retrospectives are postponed.

On Henri plateform, a cult movie everyday



Your movies and series 

to watch  on NETFLIX



Don’t look up! Adam McKay will tell the story of two astronomers.

A hallucinating casting :

Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Rob Morgan, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Timothée Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Kid Cudi, Matthew Perry, Tomer Sisley.


First footage of “Don’t Look Up” /  Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence


Meanwhile, you may watch now:


Run on, series, by Lee Jae-Hun, Park Si-Hyeon, as from today


Run On | Official Trailer | Netflix [ENG SUB]



Firefly Lane, by Maggie Friedman, with Katherine Heigl, Sarah Chalke.


Firefly Lane | Official Trailer | Netflix


The Last Paradiso, by Rocco Ricciardulli

The Last Paradiso | Official Trailer | Netflix


Pole Dance, by Michele Ohayon




Live once, love twice, by Maria Ripoli


Live Twice, Love Once (2019) HD Trailer



Marshall by Reginald Hudlin, with Chadwick Boseman, as from Saturday


Marshall Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers



To all the boys always and forever, by Michael Fimognari,as from February 12.


TO ALL THE BOYS ALWAYS AND FOREVER Trailer (2021) Lana Condor Movie



I care a lot, de J. Blakeson, avec Rosamund Pike, as from February 19.


I CARE A LOT Trailer (2021) Rosamund Pike,  Eiza González Movie


Claude Chabrol movies as from February 15

  • Madame Bovary
  • Merci pour le chocolat
  • La cérémonie
  • Betty
  • La Fleur du Mal
  • L’Enfer
  • Un affaire de femmes
  • Rien ne va plus


Phantom Thread, by Paul Thomas Anderson. Masterpiece with Daniel Day-Lewis.

A must-see movie as from February 19


PHANTOM THREAD - Official Trailer [HD] - In Select Theaters Christmas


Ginny & Georgia, Gina, 15 years old, a mature teenager, and Georgia, her mother, a much more excited adult, moving to New England. As from February 24.


Ginny & Georgia | Official Trailer | Netflix


Sky Rojo, three prostitues on the run. By the creator of  La Casa de Papel, Alex Pina &Esther Martinez Lobato, as from March 19th. 2 seasons of eight episodes.


Sky Rojo | Date Announcement | Netflix


Pelé , by David Tryhorn & Ben Nicholas, as from February 23rd


Pelé | Official Trailer | Netflix


Moxie, by Amy Poehler, as from March 3rd.


MOXIE Trailer (2021) Josephine Langford, Amy Poehler Teen Movie


Lady Bird, by Greta Gerwig, as from March 3rd.


Lady Bird / Bande-annonce officielle VOST [Au cinéma le 28 février]


Call me by your Name, by Luca Guadagnino, as from March 4.


Call Me By Your Name | Official Trailer HD (2017)


Namaste Wahala, by Hamisha Daryani Ahuja, as from February 14.


Namaste Wahala | Official Trailer | Netflix


Amend, The fight for America, by Robe Imbriano & Tom Yellin, with Will Smith.


Amend: The Fight for America | Official Trailer | Netflix


Crazy about her, by Dani de la Orden, as from February 26.


Crazy About Her | Official Trailer | Netflix


Buried by the Bernards, produced by Warren D Robinson, as from February 12.


Buried By The Bernards | Official Trailer | Netflix


Canine Academy, by Jas Leverette, as from February 24.


Canine Intervention | Official Trailer | Netflix


Behind her eyes, series, by Steve Lightfoot, as from February 17.


BEHIND HER EYES Trailer (2021) New Netflix Thriller Series


Nadia bakes, by Nadya Hussain, as from February 12.


Nadiya Bakes | Official Trailer | Netflix


Tribes of Europa, by Philip Koch & Florian Baxmeyer, as from February 19.


Tribes of Europa | Official Trailer | Netflix



The Last sentence, by Jan Troell as from February 17.

The true story of a reporter , Torgny Segerstedt, who denounce fascism.


THE LAST SENTENCE Movie Trailer (Movie Trailer HD)


Your movies and series 

to watch on Prime Video




The Personal history of David Copperfield, by Armando Iannucci, with Dev Patel


THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD | Official Trailer | Searchlight Pictures


Horizon Line, by  Mikael Marcimain


HORIZON LINE Official Trailer (2020)



The Lie, by Veena Sud


The Lie – Official Trailer


Film: The Vast of night, by Andrew Patterson


The Vast Of Night – Official Trailer | Prime Video


Movie: The Big sick, by Michael Showalter


The Big Sick Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers



The map of tiny pretty things, as from February 12, by Ian Samuels.


The Map of Tiny Perfect Things | Meet Cute


Songbird, by Adam Mason, with  K.J. Apa, Sofia Carson, Demi Moore, Alexandra D’Addario, Peter Stormare.


Songbird | Official Trailer [HD] | Rent or Own on Digital HD, Blu-ray & DVD Today


American Gods, by Michael Green & Bryan Fuller




Pennyworth, by Danny Cannon spin off of Bruce Wayne


Trailer (age limit)



WITHOUT REMORSE, de Stefano Sollima, avec Michael B. Jordan (April 30)


Without Remorse - Official Teaser Trailer (2020) Michael B. Jordan



Your movies and series

 to watch on Canal+



Brothers in arms, by Henry Alex Rubin avec Jai Courtney, Nat Wolff

Brothers in Arms - Official Trailer



The Knick, by Jack Amiel et Michael Begler, directed by Steven Soderbergh


The Knick - Season 1: Trailer - Official HBO UK



Rectify by Ray McKinnon, one of the favorite series quoted by Hagai Levi, creator of Be Tipul, The Affair Our Boys


Rectify S01 Promo VOSTFR (HD)


Richard Jewell, by Clint Eastwood: review


The Nest: to watch for Jude Law, annoying character but a movie a bit boring at the end.


The Nest - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Films



Radioactive by Marjane Satrapi, As from February 16


RADIOACTIVE Official Trailer (2019) Rosamund Pike, Anya Taylor-Joy Movie HD


Judy  Judy Garland biopic by Rene Zellweger who won an Oscar, as from February 23rd 



JUDY Trailer VOSTFR ★ Renée Zellweger (Bande Annonce 2020) Drame


Trapped, thriller series, by Baltasar Kormakur


Trailer (age limit) 


Blackkklansman, by Spike Lee, as from February 28, with John David Washington (Tenet, Malcom & Marie) – Adam Driver (Marriage Story, Star Wars, The Report, The Dead Don’t Die…)


Blackkklansman / Bande-annonce officielle VOST [Actuellement au cinéma]



Your movies and series 

 to watch on Starzplay


As from February 14: Little Birds,  with Juno Temple, inspired by Anais Nin short novel


Little Birds Official Trailer #1 - Juno Temple, Kate Bosworth Movie (2012) HD


We are who we are, de Luca Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name), as from March 7th

Chloë Sevigny (Big Love), Kid Cudi (Westworld and How to Make It in America), Jack Dylan Grazer (It), Alice Braga (Queen of the South), Spence Moore II (All American), as well as newcomers Jordan Kristine Seamon, Faith Alabi, Francesca Scorsese, Ben Taylor, Corey Knight, Tom Mercier and Sebastiano Pigazzi.

We Are Who We Are: Official Teaser | HBO


The Luminaries, adapted from the eponymous novel by Eleanor Catton with Eva Green


THE LUMINARIES Trailer (2021) Eva Green, Drama Series


The Attaché, as from March 14, created by Eli Ben David


The Attaché | Bande-annonce Officielle | STARZPLAY



Your movies and series 

 to watch on

Apple TV



Cherry, by brothers Russo, with Tom Holland on Apple TV, on March 12th

CHERRY Official Trailer Teaser (2021) Tom Holland, Russo Brothers Movie HD


Billie Ellish

Billie Eilish: The World’s A Little Blurry - Official Trailer | Apple TV+


Palmer, by  Fisher Stevens,  Justin Timberlake, Juno Temple, Alisha Wainwirght


Your movies and series about love to watch on




Raya & the last dragon (on March 3rd in France)

Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Trailer


The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, de Malcom Spellman


Official Trailer | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | Disney+



All February movies 


Next On Disney+ - February 2021| Disney+



 Created by

Jac Schaeffer

 Matt Shakman & Kevin Feige

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If you have seen Bewitched by Sol Saks with Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York, and you liked this style of humor then you will love Wandavision.

The story is about a witch, Wanda Maximoff, (red witch in Marvel) married to a man who is none other than a robot superhero, Vision. But of course he changes his appearance when he goes to work.

The sketches are in the same vein of Bewitched  but a mystery hovers in this suburb.The characters evolve in a black and white setting and Wanda perceives color at times.

Funny, this light-hearted series is easy to watch.

Produced by Marvel Studios, we are expecting discoveries in the next episodes (there are 9 in all).

Both actors are sensational.

Currently on Disney+ (9 episodes) – Every Friday at 9. A.M

With Elisabeth Olsen et Paul Bettany


WandaVision VS Bewitched | WandaVision Intro Title Sequence/Opening




New Era | Marvel Studios’ WandaVision | Disney+



To keep on reading : The 2020 ten best series


Stay safe !



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