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Welcome to your blog dedicated to movies.
For the little story, I’m Yael Yermia. I was born in Abidjan. Today, I work as a freelance for writer, communication consultant and screenwriter.


I remember my first movie. It was E.T. in a movie theater, the Komo. 
Then times flies…and a thousand films.
I grew up in Libreville, in Gabon till I was seventeen. Then I came to Paris where I did most of my carrier in communication. 


My first contact with movies began with photography. I did a training at the Gobelins.
Then I worked as a photographer during  a year before going  to Congo.


Since 2017, I attended workshops on movies and screenwriting at Altermedia and the Maison du Film. 
I read a lot, wrote, met some celebrities from the movie industry. I had the chance to meet Jacques Bral whom I read scripts and movie projects.
Then, I did a self-produced short film for a contest regarding gynophobia. Since my first short movie, I have received a training in video production at the l’École des Métiers de l’Information. I have movie projects and as soon as I have the opportunity, I give a hand on short movies.


After being part  of the Jury du Grand Prix du Cinéma of  Elle magazine readers, and being published in Elle magazine in December 2014, I decided to create this blog on movies, and called him Movie in the air, related to the song, Love is in the air. I have attended many premiere and participated to festivals such as the Champs Élysées Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival the Festival of Israeli Movies of Paris…
During the lockdown, I decided to improve this blog, to make it more friendly, readily and understandable. After critical rereading and many hours spent on the phone with a web developer, I am very pleased to present it. 
Movie in the air is brand new! I wanted it to be international, that is why I write both in French & English.


Write me if you want to learn something from a movie, to exchange views or if you need me to write and promote your events.
My email: yaelyermia@gmail.com 
Subscribe to the newsletters: contact@movieintheair.com
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Let the stories pass through our lives, live in our hearts and on your screens.