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Falafel Cinema

Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman

A FRENCH PODCAST Hello, hello, Bienvenue sur Falafel Cinéma le podcast du cinéma israélien. Je m’appelle Yaël et je vous présente le premier épisode de


Mank the words magician

Since December 4th, Mank is finally on the Netflix platform. Directed by David Fincher and written by his father, Jack Fincher, the film looks back at

Feel-good movies

Ten feel-good movies

This week, I have chosen ten feel-good movies to watch at home, staying safe. We heard a very good news: the reopening of movie theaters

Movies about the past

Four movies about the past

This week, I have chosen four movies about the past. They are four movies from four different eras that still resonate in our lives today.

movies about truth

Five movies about truth

What are the films you think of when we talk about movies about truth? This week’s victory of the Democrats in the Presidential election reflected the

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