Tenet et vos films de la rentrée

Tenet and what to stream

Tenet and what to stream in September…

Today Tenet is coming out, and is expected to improve the outlook of movie theaters.
But other movies are coming out that we need to talk about, and many festivals and movie events are scheduled for September.

Every Wednesday, on the bilingual Movieintheair blog, I choose for you the best of national and international audiovisual news.

Here are the latest news in cinema, series to bingewatch, films on television and on your platforms and news about the festivals.


Tenet and what to stream in September



films et séries


To watch and still on screen, I advise you to watch :


The perfect family, by Malou Ley Reymann

Critique ici

A PERFECT FAMILY Bande Annonce (2020)


Epicentro: Cuba by Huber Sauper, director of  “Darwin’s nightmare”

Review here

Epicentro – Official Trailer


The Vigil: an horror movie which takes place in the orthodox Jewish community


The nurse, by Koji Fukada

L'INFIRMIÈRE Bande Annonce (2020) Thriller


Light of my life, by Casey Affleck

LIGHT OF MY LIFE Bande Annonce (2020) Casey Affleck, Elisabeth Moss


Akira, manga by Katsushiro Ôtomo

Akira ( bande annonce )


Family romance, by Werner Herzog: do you need to rent a family ? Between documentary and fiction: review here

Family Romance, LLC (directed by Werner Herzog) | UK Official Trailer | Available to Watch 3 July


Mignonnes, by Maïmouna Doucouré

Review (France Info)



Never rarely sometimes always, by Eliza Hittman, Grand Prix du Jury à La Berlinale 2020

NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES ALWAYS - Official Trailer [HD] - At Home On Demand April 3


Five movies you don’t want to miss 

The best documentaries about fashion


As from today


Tenet ! By Christopher Nolan

Review here

TENET – Bande Annonce Finale (VOST) – Christopher Nolan, Robert Pattinson




Spycies, by Guillaume Ivernel

SPYCIES Bande Annonce VF (2020)


Madame, documentary by Stéphane Riethauser

MADAME - Bande Annonce (VOSTFR)


Les Citoyens du Monde, by Gianni Di Gregorio

CITOYENS DU MONDE | Bande-annonce Au cinéma le 26 août


Effacer l’historique, by Gustave Kervern & Benoît Delépine

EFFACER L'HISTORIQUE Bande Annonce (2020) Blanche Gardin, Vincent Lacoste, Benoît Poelvoorde


Dans un jardin qu’on dirait éternel, by Tatshushi Omori

Dans un jardin qu'on dirait éternel (Every day) - Bande-annonce VOSTFR


Grand frère, by Liang Ming

Grand Frère de Liang Ming - en salles le 26 août


 À venir

La Daronne, by Jean-Paul Salomé, as from 9  September

LA DARONNE Bande Annonce (2020)


Police, by Anne Fontaine, as from September 2nd

Police | Trailer | Berlinale Special 2020


L’ordre moral, by Marrio Barroso, as from September 30th, with Maria de Medeiros. Review will come here/

L'ORDRE MORAL - Bande Annonce VOSTFR (Au cinéma le 30 Septembre)


Wonder Woman, de Patty Jenkins, as from September 30th

Wonder Woman 1984 - Bande Annonce Officielle (VOST) - Gal Gadot, Chris Pine


Mort sur le Nil, by Kenneth Branagh,as from October 21st

Mort sur le Nil | Bande-Annonce [Officielle] VOST | 2020


The Batman,de Matt Reeves en 2021 (as from September 29th) with Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz

The Batman - Teaser DC FanDome (VOST) - Robert Pattinson, Matt Reeves


I was talking about it a few weeks ago, the trailer of e On the rocks by Sofia Coppola with Bill Murray is finally available. The movie should be released at the end of October.

More news here


On The Rocks | Official Trailer HD | A24 & Apple TV+







Tenet de Christopher Nolan


Inception, Interstellar, Mémento, Dunkerque…All the movies directed by Christopher Nolan are cult today.  He is the best directif of the Batman, he directed the best actors and aged 50, has already his name in front of the TCL Chinese Theater. His movies brought 4,7 billions of dollars worldwide. He writes almost of his scripts with his brother Jonathan. He saw  Star Wars   when he was seven and decided at that time to shoot movies. And it is as an autodidact that he learns cinema. His wife, Emma Thomas, whom he met at university, produces all his films.

His stories are about time manipulation, time inversion, distorted memories…The British actor Michael Caine plays in almost all his films, including his latest one, Tenet.

He is an fierce defender of cinema and refused to let his film be released directly on platforms, as was the case for many of them because of the Covid.

His cult films can all be seen on the platforms:

– On Canal+ :

– On Netflix: Dunkerque, Inception, Batman (Batman begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises), Interstellar

– On Prime Video: Dunkerque, Inception, Batman (Batman begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises), Interstellar, Le Prestige


His first movies:

Mémento (2000), withGuy Pearce, Carie-Ann Moss and Joe Patiliano,  in Vod on Canal+

 (1998): on Youtube, the full movie,  the first movie of  Christopher Nolan, which launched his carrier. He gave the name Cobb to Leonardo di Caprio in Inception.







Tenet what to stream



A young and gifted driver, Baby, is forced to participate in robberies to pay off his debts. One more robbery and he is free. Baby is not a young man like the others, a victim of tinnitus, he listens to music all the time. One evening, he meets a young waitress named Debora. But the last robbery must take place the next day…

The movie

Directed by Edgar Wright, Baby Driver has been a worldwide success in 2017, with  217 millions of dollars worldwide.

Its original script, its casting, and a fast and furious direction make this film a total success.

The clever mix of genres, between thriller, romantic comedy, and musical comedy contribute to give the film a dynamism that is totally in line with spectacular car chases, which I’m not usually a fan of.

Ansel Elgort plays perfectly, as well as Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm (Mad Men) and Jamie Foxx. Even when it is exaggerated, it doe not matter. On the contrary,  it enhances the comedic part of the movie.

The score is amazing, with great tunes by Queen, The Commodores and Jon Spencer Blues. La musique a été réalisée par Steven Price, compositeur de la musique marquante de Gravity, d’Alfonso Cuaron.


With  Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx

Baby Driver - Première bande-annonce - VOST






Retour sur la carrière de Sean Connery, qui vient d’avoir 90 ans.

Le Prix France Culture du Cinéma


Click to read the entire article:

The Transgressive Thrills of Charles Bukowski | The New Yorker

An African in Paris, Fighting to Preserve His Dignity – The New York Times

Ben-Hur (1959) • 60 Years Later. When a Jewish prince is betrayed and… | by Barnaby Page | Frame Rat

Alfred Hitchcock, Umberto Eco, and the Macguffin | by Spencer Baum | Medium

Studio Ghibli: What Next for the Animation Giant? | by Unseen Japan | Medium





Tenet what to stream


Wednesday 26

M6 : Les aventuriers de l’Arche Perdu
Arte : Un beau soleil intérieur
TMC : Un Indien dans la ville
TFX : X Men
France 4 : La Chèvre

Thursday 27

TCM : Heat
Paramount : Johnny Guitare
Arte: The Killing (série)

Friday 28

TCM: Dans la vallée d’Elah

Arte: Trapped. The struggle of a judge to find her daughter, accused of complicity in a bombing… Directed by the excellent Christiane Paul, winner of the International Emmy Awards, this thriller takes up a burning subject, questioning the place of individual liberties in a context of increasing terrorist threats.

Canal+ : Le Mans 66: a must see movie

Saturday 29

M6: Tout ce qui brille
TCM: Les Proies

Sunday 30

Arte: Julie et Julia by Nora Ephron
TCM: Gladiator
C8: Casse-Tête Chinois
W9 : Rock’n Roll

Monday 31

France 5 : Point Break, by Kathryn Bigelow
Arte : Le Président de Henri Verneuil, with Bernard Blier and Jean Gabin

Tuesday 1er

Arte : Enquête sur les violences sexuelles dans le sport
France 5: L’ascension et la chute de Carlos Gohn
TF1 : Big Little Lies

Wednesday 2

Arte: Adieu Berthe, by Bruno Podalydès
M6: Indiana Jones et le Temple Maudit
TCM: La Planète des singes
TFX: I Robot





Tenet what to stream


Keith Haring

La photographe de guerre et mannequin, Lee Miller

Les archives de Patrick Chauvel au Mémorial de Caen

Dossier : Présidentielles américaines

Les rencontres de la photographie

Ostéopathie, les mains à l’écoute du corps

La chaîne alimentaire : Le festin des animaux



Les guichets du Louvre de Michel Miltrani

À ceux qui nous ont offensés, d’Adam Smith avec Michael Fassbender

Foxtrot by Samuel Maoz, le film israélien qui a fait scandale.

La Cinémathèque Française

On Henri plateform, a cult movie everyday


Movies and series to stream on Netflix

Tenet what to stream



Alexandria, again and always by Youssef Chahine

 Richard Brody’s review (The New Yorker)


Alexandrie Encore Et Toujours



Teenage Bounty Hunters, by Kathleen Jordan
Une série pour ado délirante

Teenage Bounty Hunters | Bande-annonce officielle VOSTFR | Netflix France


Connected, by Natif Lasser

Connected | Official Trailer | Netflix


The Beguiled, as from September 2nd, by Sofia Coppola, with Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, Elle Fanning, Colin Farrell

The Beguiled Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers


Le Jeune Wallander, as from September 3rd, with Benjamin Harris, adapted from Henning Mankell’s novels.

Le jeune Wallander | Bande-annonce officielle VOSTFR | Netflix France


Ratched, as from September 18th, by Evan Romansky.  The series is inspired by Ken Kesey’s novel, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest adapted on screen by great director Milos Forman, with Jack Nicholson . The series explores the youth of the cruel nurse Mildred Ratched.

Produced by Jacob Epstein, Michael Douglas, Ryan Murphy (Hollywood).

With  Sarah Paulson, Sharon Stone.

Ratched | Bande-annonce officielle VOSTFR | Netflix France


The Duchess, as from September 11th, with and by Katheryn Ryan

More information here


The Duchess | Official Trailer | Netflix


The Spy, short series, as from September 7th,  by Gideon Raff, with Sacha Baron Cohen: the true story of Eli Cohen, an Israeli spy,  who became the adviser of the Minister of Defense in the 60’s .

The Spy – starring Sacha Baron Cohen | Official Trailer | Netflix


The Crown season 4 !  With Gilliam Anderson in Margaret Thatcher ‘s part and Emma Corrin as Lady Di, as from November 15th and for the season 5 and 6  Elisabeth Debicki will take the place of Emma Corrin.

The Crown : Saison 4 | Date de lancement VOSTFR | Netflix France



Movies and series to stream on

Prime Video


Small Axe First Look, expected September 20th,  a mini series by Steve McQueen (Shame, Twelve Years a Slave), about a West Indies community who lives in London, called,  Small Axe.

Small Axe First Look Trailer


Time, by Garrett Bradley: a documentaire on a woman who fight to free his husband from jail, as from October 23rd.

TIME – Official Trailer | Prime Video


Movies and series to stream on


Tenet what to stream


Papicha, by Mounia Meddour

PAPICHA Bande Annonce (Film Adolescent, 2019)


You deserve a lover, by Hafsia Herzi.

Vice, by Adam MCKay

Joker, by Todd Philips as from September 11th

Uncensored, a documentary on Elton John

Elton John stuns Graham with juicy details on his fiercest rivalries | Elton John: Uncensored - BBC

Movies and series to stream on



All the next Disney’s movies


The bear’s famous invasion of Sicily, by Lorenzo Mattotti.

La fameuse invasion des Ours en Sicile – Bande-annonce officielle HD

Movies and series to stream on



A series with Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey talks racism in new TV show series on Apple TV+



Tenet what to stream


Adaptation of The Essex Serpent as a series, from Sarah Perry’s novel on AppleTV with Keira Knightley.

An American pickle : by Brandon Trost and written by Simon Rich, based upon his 2013 novel  “Sell Out“. The story of a Jewish immigrant in the 20’s in the United States will be broadcast on HBO.

The next Ridley Scott , a biopic on Gucci.

Launching of a Discovery channel on Canal+ in November.


A documentary about The Mediterranean sea, “Deep Méditerranée” directed by Laurent Ballesta will be broadcast as from September 19th  20h 50 on Arte.: four divers are getting isolated during four months at 120 beneath the sea 


The biggest movie theaters firm will open soon

A short movie on acceptation to watch freely (Têtu)

Netflix’s projects:

  •     O2 a thriller directed by Alexandre Aja with Mélanie Laurent.
  •     Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, and Ewan McGregor in the next Pinocchio directed by Guillermo Del Toro (The Shape of Water, The Pan’s Labyrinth) in a new version which takes place during the rising of fascism in Italy.

All US series to watch now

Idris Elba in a spy movie

Sharon Stone ‘s criticism 

Charles Bukowski: Transgressive Thrills of Charles Bukowski. (Richard Brody, in the New Yorker)

The Coronavirus in series storylines

“Vivez Belharra” : a movie on a great wave in the  Basque coast  Video link




The Berlinal ‘s decision to not separate genre awards

Angoulême festival will take place with a mass and on reservation

All the information here

Emmy Awards forecast for September 20th will go digital

27 movies financed by the CNC selected at La Mostra de Venise

Festival Off-Courts, 2020 ‘ édition from September 4th till September 12th

Festival du Film Américain de Deauville’s jurys


Laurent Valero and movies soundtracks on France Musique


Go and watch movies !



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