
Ondine movie, All together Now, love ‘ movies

This week, I chose to speak to you about Ondine movie and  All Together Now, on love, another person’s love and other people’s love.

On the bilingual Movieintheair blog, I do for you a press review every Wednesday and keep the best of national and international audiovisual news.



On the bilingual Movieintheair blog, I do for you a press review every Wednesday and keep the best of national and international audiovisual news.

Many events have happened this week:

  • The death of Juliette Gréco
  • Beginning, awarded at the San Sebastian Film Festival
  • Véronique Cayla & Éric Tolédano have been nominated at the next Cesar Presidency
  • Two movies about love to watch in your movie theaters and on your platforms: Ondine movie and All Together Now
  • A new video format to watch series : Quibi specially designed for Smartphones: to subscribe here : Quibi

Many films are coming out in theaters, new series on your platforms.

Here are the new movies in theaters, the movies to see in theaters, the new series.  The best of your television programs and all the news of the festivals.




Ron Cobb, le vaisseau de Alien


  •  Juliette Gréco

On Arte

In many movies

  • Ron Cobbdesigner and chief decorator of many movies such as Back to the Future, Alien or Star Wars.

Ondine movie

directed by Christian Petzold



Two love movies this week

Ondine movie and All Together Now


Ondine movie

Ondine et All Together Now


The Pitch

Ondine sits facing a man. He is leaving her. She threatens him with death. Shortly afterwards, she meets Christoph, a diver.  It is love at first sight. Ondine is a historian and lectures on the city of Berlin. As soon as she has finished her day, they meet again and love each other…

The Movie

Silver Bear for Best Actress for Paula Beer, International Critics’ Grand Prize at the Berlin Festival in 2020, Ondine movie is lived as an experience.

Inspired by Germanic mythology, Ondine are aquatic geniuses, nymphs, they live in running water, fountains, rivers.

If the beginning of Ondine movie seems a little slow, the film ends up hypnotizing us. Between tale and reality, the love between Ondine and Christophe grows until it becomes unfailing, then mythical.

The close shots on Ondine’s hair (homage to the mermaid’s golden hair), the images filmed underwater participate in this spell. A permanent sensuality hovers. The words spoken by Ondine speak of the past and do not speak of love. In her voice, there is softness and nostalgia.

In Ondine movie, love is only looks and gestures. On the screen, everything is only modesty. Ondine talks to us about love but also about our relationship with the past, those we have lost and the beings we are afraid to lose.

Photography is also sublime. Directed by Hans Fromm, he collaborated on all of Christian Petzold’s films.

Christian Petzold has a way of filming that reminds us of Asian filmmakers such as Wong Kar-Waï in In The Mood For Love where everything is only suggested. He recently declared: “Cinema is profoundly romantic no matter what you do” (Le Monde).

His film is about one love, the love of the other.


Besides Ondine movie,  All Together Now on Netflix speaks to us about the love of others.


With Paula Beer, Franz Rogowski, Maryam Zaree, Jacob Matschenz




Ondine et All Together Now


All Together Now

Directed by Brett Haley

on Netflix


The Pitch

Based on the novel, Sorta Like a Rockstar by Mattew Quick, All Together Now tells the story of a young homeless girl, Amber. At night, she sleeps with her mother in a school bus. Lacking a father and a home, she is without a place to stay and always keeps her Chihuahua in her bag.
After high school, her day doesn’t end there. She helps put on a show, volunteers with Korean women who are learning English, and on weekends distributes meals in a retirement home. But she has only one dream: to sing…

The movie

All Together Now takes it time but Amber’s story of her love for others touches us deeply. Her dream of becoming a singer and the difficult economic context remind us of Teen Spirit with Elle Fanning.

She loves to help. However, she refuses the help of her friends. If the message of the film is obvious enough, the direction and especially its main actress, Auli’i Cravalho, Hawaiian, – she sings in Vaiana (Moana), make All Together Now, a nice movie to watch at the moment on Netflix.

Also to be seen for the small but beautifully performed role of the huge Carol Burnett and Judy Reyes, known for her role in Scrubs, Jane The Virgin and Better Things (created by Louis C.K. and Pamela Adlon), the story of an actress who raises her three daughters alone.


Screenwriters Haley, Marc Basch, Matthew Quick and Ol Parker.

With Auli’i Cravalho, Rhenzy Feliz, Judy Reyes, Justina Machado, Taylor Richardson, C.S. Lee, Fred Armisen, Carol Burnett

Music by Keegan DeWitt







To watch 

As from September 30th:


L’ordre moral, by Marrio Barroso, with Maria de Medeiros

France Info Review


À coeur Battant, by Keren Ben Rafael


Josep, by Aurel – To watch at the  Cinema Le Balzac  where there is now a beautiful making-off exhibition.


The woman who run away, by Sang-soo Hong.



Billie, by James Erskine (review on the blog)


Que Sea Ley, by Juan Solanas (review)


Kajillionnaire, by Miranda July


Heroes don’t die, by Aude Léa Rapin




As from October 7 


Maternal, by Maura Delpero


Mon grand-père et moi, de Tim Hill


Madeleine Riffaud, by Jorge Amat


Les Guerriers de l’Himalaya, by Jerzy Porebski


L’Enfant Rêvé, by Raphaël Jacoulot



En attendant le Carnaval, by Marcelo Gomes


Yalda, La nuit du Pardon,  by Massoud Bakhshi



La Puissance de l’Arbre, by Jean-Pierre Duval, with Ernst Zürcher

Trailer on Vimeo



Israël, Le voyage Interdit, Partie I, by Jean-Pierre Lledo




As from October 14th


Babylon, by Franco Rosso


A Dark Dark Man, by Adilkhan Yerzhanov


Calamity, by Rémi Chayé



In November


Aline, by Valérie Lemercier, biopic on Céline Dion, as from November 18th.


Gagarine, by Lyna Khoudri, as from November 18th.

In December

Bac Nord, by Cédric Jimenez


Awarded movies

Beginning, or Dasatskiki by Dea Kulumbegashvili : Georgian film about a background of religious fanaticism: the movie won Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Film Festival , Best director, Best screenplay and Best actress for the Sukhitashvili.


Another movie was screended : Drunk by Thomas Vinterberg, coming out on October 14th:  Best Actor Prize awarded equally to the four male actors of the film at the San Sebastian Film Festival .



And Sin Senas Particulares by Fernanda Valade,


L’Agnello, by Sarde Mario Piredda, awarded at the Annecy Italian Film Festival


And a documentary, Punta Sacra, by Francesca Mazzoleni, awarded at the Annecy Italian Film Festival




Jacqueline Audry


Jacqueline Audry (1908-1977): The missing woman of French Movie (France Culture)

Money and movies : In Les Échos:  « Le Temps des Nababs » de Florence Strauss.



Click to read the entire article:

Writing and the Creative Life: Possibility Thinking, Practicality Thinking | by Scott Myers | Sep, 2

3 Reasons To Watch ‘The Boys’. The second season of this adults-only… | by John DeVore | Humungus |




Zero Dark Thirty


Wednesday 30

TCM: Quand meurent les légendes
Paramount : Robinson Crusoé sur Mars
Arte : Eva de Benoît Jacquot
RTL9: Hellboy

Thursday 1st

TF1: Infidèle, une série que je vous recommande, dont j’ai vu la saison 2 au Festival de la Fiction TV cette année.
TCM: Gran Torino de et avec Clint Eastwood
Arte : Une nouvelle série Kidnapping sur  le combat d’un policier danois pour démanteler un réseau de traffiquants d’enfants et retrouver sa fille.
W9 : Rock’n Roll de Guillaume Canet
TFX : La mort dans la peau
Star : Les 4 Fantastiques

Friday 2

TCM: Le Stratège
Canal+ : Star Wars, l’Ascension de Skywalkers
Arte : L’assassin idéal
TF1 Série : Infidèle
Canal+ Emotion : Green Book


Saturday 3

TCM: Calculs Meurtriers
Paramount : Flight


Sunday 4

TCM: Le Maître de Guerre
Paramount : King Kong (version longue)
France 3 : Au revoir Là-Haut
6Ter : La Guerre des Mondes
Arte : Zéro Dark Thirty de Kathryn Bigelow, suivi de La légende du Pianiste sur l’océan de Giuseppe Tornatore, avec la musique d’Ennio Morricone et joué par Tim Roth
W9 : Welcome Back

Monday 5

Arte : Blue Steel de Kathryn Bigelow, avec Jamie Lee Curtis
TCM: Géant
Paramount : Minority Report
France 5 : Outsiders
C8 : Alien : Covenant
W9 : Pirate des Caraïbes
TMC: Avengers ; L’ère d’Ultron

Tuesday 6

Arte : Syrie, Les dessous du conflit
Canal+ : Les Misérables
LCP: Mandela, un symbole contre l’Apartheid
Gulli: Madagascar
Paris Première : Les Grandes Vacances

Wednesday 7 

Arte: Un barrage contre le Pacifique de Rithy Panh avec Isabelle Huppert et Gaspard Ulliel
Canal + : The Operative
TMC : Bodyguard







Arte is to broadcast special movies for Halloween



L’amour a ses réseaux.

L’amour à l’oeuvre : Alfred Stieglitz et Georgia O’Keeffe

Colombie, des sages-femmes dans la jungle



50 Nuances de Grecs



Les chansons d’amour de Christophe Honoré.


 On France Télévisions


On France 2, as from October 5th.

Le Mensonge (two first episodes seen at the Festival de La Fiction TV this year),  Vincent Garenq series with Daniel Auteuil, adapted from the book written by Christian Iacono.


La Chaîne Parlementaire


LCP offers you a lot of good documentaries: here


La Cinémathèque Française


On Henri plateform, a cult movie everyday

Jean-Claude Carrière retrospective 


Movies and series to watch 

on Netflix



13th now, by Ava DuVernay


Enola Holmes, by Harry Bradbeer, now A sweet and moving spin-off of Sherlock Holmes about  Enola, Sherlock Holmes ‘s little sister.

With Millie Bobbie Brown, the lead part of  Stranger Things, Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Caville, Sam Clafin



The boys in the Band, by Joe Mantello, as from September 30th, with Jim Parsons (Hollywood), Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, Andrew Rannells, Charlie Carver, Robin de Jesús, Brian Hutchison, Michael Benjamin Washington, and Tuc Watkins.



La révolution, by Aurélien Molas, as from October 16th


Chicago trial 7, by Aaron Sorkin, as from October 16th, with Sacha Baron Cohen,Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Frank Langella, Eddie Redmayne, Mark Rylance, Jeremy Strong, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Michael Keaton, John Carroll Lynch & Alex Sharp.


Lupin, by Jean-Pierre Jeunet director, with Omar Sy, as from January 2021


Movies and series to watch 

on  Prime Video


A documentary on Mylène Farmer, L’Ultime création, by Mathieu Spadaro, as from September 25th


Utopia, by Toby Haynes


Movies and series to watch

on Canal+



An officer and a spy, by Roman Polanski

American Woman, by Jake Scott

Adam, by Maryam Touzani


Movies and series to watch 

on Disney+


Oceans, by Jacques Perrin



Winged migration, by Jacques Perrin


Wandavision, by Matt Shakman


Movies and series to watch 

on Apple TV



Tehran, as from September 25th, by FAUDA ‘s screenwriter, Moshe Zonder. I am looking forward to watching it !


StillWater,  animated series adapted from “Zen Shorts” by Jon J. Muth, as from December 4th.





Subscribing to Quibi, the new video format to watch series created for smartphones

Véronique Cayla : a woman at the Cesar Presidency 

Maïwenn did a movie against animal’s abandonment

AppleTV will broadcast Cherry new  Avengers Endgame movies with Tom Holland.

Tom Cruise is going to space with help of ‘Elon Musk

David Leitch director will shoot a movie with Ryan Gosling 

«Captain Tom»,the centanry champion of charities , hero of a movie to come

François Truffaut’s movies on Arte, as from October 11th

The Perfect Weapon, a documentary to watch on HBO

The Undoing, written by David E. Kelley and directed by Susanne Bier, will be released on HBO and in France on OCS as from October 26

The next Night Shymalan’s movie


Patria on HBO, ETA series will be broadcast on CANAL+ (date of release not communicated)




  • The African Cinema is doing its cinema. Movies will be broadcast from October 21st till October 24th at the Lincoln Champs Élysées
  • As from today and till November 13th, Festival “Tant qu’il y aura du Mélo” at the Forum des Images. Program
  • The 19th Fête du Cinéma d’Animation is to begin on October 14th
  • The Cannes  Film Festival 2020 is coming back on La Croisette from October 27th till October 29th.  Program herei
  • Festival du Cinéma Indépendant de Bordeaux. Program here
  • The Israeli Film Festival in Paris will take place from November 25th till November 29th at the Majestic Passy.



Go and watch  movies !


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