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To watch as of November 13th

Films and series to watch as of November 13th: the must see, festivals, the best tv programme and your programme.
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The best to watch in November

Films and series to watch in November: the must see, festivals, the best tv programme and your programme.
Reviews: Monsieur Aznavour : L’Histoire de Souleymane ; Trei kilometres jusqu’à la fin du monde ; Carla et moi.
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16 octobre

to watch as of October 16th

Films and series to watch as of October 16th : the must see, festivals, the best tv programme and your programme.
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to watch as of October 9th

Films and series to watch as of October 9th : the must see, festivals, the best tv programme and your programme.
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God Can Defend Himself

God can defend himself

“God Can Defend Himself” directed by Isabelle Cottenceau : Richard Malka embodies the fight for freedom of expression and secularism

le procès du chien

The trial of the dog

The trial of the dog directed by Laetitia Dosch, delivers a bold debut featurethat questions our relationship with justice and animal rights.
“Avril, a lawyer accustomed to losing cases, makes herself a promise: she will win her next case!

But when Dariuch, a client as desperate as his case, asks her to defend his faithful companion Cosmos, Avril’s convictions are put to the test. Thus begins an unexpected and turbulent trial: the trial of the dog.”

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