Five reasons to watch Star Wars – The rise of Skywalker

There are pre-Star Wars and post-Star Wars generations.

I’m a pre-Star Wars, and couldn’t miss the last episode of the Saga that began in 1977, 42 years earlier, a saga world record for absolute longevity and I chose five reasons to watch it.

My five reasons to watch Star Wars

The rise of Skywalker

Five reasons to watch Star Wars


So here are the five reasons to rush to the movie theaters to finally see this last episode:

1/ The first is not the movie itself…but the music composed by John Williams who has surpassed himself in this episode, after having scored this theme composed a long, long time ago....

2/ Adam Driver . This actor plays all the roles and his charisma prevails over  Daisy Ridley, the heroine of this episode…

3/ The director: J.J. Abrams directed Star Trek, Super 8 and the Episode VII of Star Wars. He worked with Lawrence Kasdan, co-author of the scripts of  The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. So he knows everything when it comes to the Star Wars universe.

4/ Special effects! The worlds themes are incredible, and we, as spectator are amazed. In this film that we find the essence of entertainment.

5/ The finale! Yes the finale is incredible and I can’t unveil anything without spoiler, so … The fans of the first hour will finally have the Madeleine de Proust of this incredible saga which, despite all the critics, ended in beauty.


Five reasons to watch Star Wars




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