Why? Faces of the Shoah

Why? Faces of the Shoah


There is no equivalent in world history.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp on January 27, 1945, by the Soviet army, Jean-Marie Montali, Stéphane Krausz, and Nissim Sellam unveil their documentary film: Why? Faces of the Shoah.

I had the opportunity to see it in a preview screening at the Ciné-Théâtre BO Saint-Martin.


An imperishable duty of remembrance

It was when Jean-Marie Montali watched Michaël Prazan’s documentary on the Einsatzgruppen and wanted to restore the identity of a little girl whose face was blurred that he became interested in the Shoah. Together with Stéphane Krausz and Nissim Sellam, he then decided to collect testimonies in an attempt to understand the incomprehensible.

This documentary proves that the incomprehensible remains. The horror of the camps was made possible by the antisemitism of an entire people, the silence, and the complicity of the entire world.

Why did no resistance fighters ever blow up the trains? Why was Auschwitz never bombed, even though leaders had aeran photos and knew what was happening there?

The Jews were annihilated because it was possible.

And as antisemitism has surged dramatically since the October 7 pogrom, it is more necessary than ever.

The filmmakers give a voice to the survivors of this history, whose words we must continue to listen to, again and again.​

They give voice to ten of the last surviving Jews from Eastern Europe who were deported as teenagers. And they recount their lives “before,” the horror of the camps, and make this documentary an essential testimony for future generations.


An original and essential perspective

The uniqueness of this documentary lies in its attempt to answer the question “Why?” whereas many films have sought to understand the “How?”.

This approach, supported by the compelling narration of Charlotte Rampling, delves into the deep roots of Nazi barbarism. The film chillingly exposes the mechanisms of persecution and the devastation it caused.


Of course, there is no “Why?” but only a “How?”.

How? Due to the silence of Allied leaders, the denunciations by neighbors, the guilty silence of others, and the active complicity of some states like France, which went beyond the Germans’ demands—162 out of 184 anti-Jewish laws were enacted by France itself.


Heart-wrenching testimonies, a subtle aesthetic

Filming these survivors in their intimacy gives the documentary a unique strength.

The audience is immersed in their narratives, interspersed with historical and personal archives that bring their words to life. And the soundtrack, performed by Hélios Azoulay from scores found and created in the camps, reinforces the film’s memorial dimension and adds an unprecedented emotional depth.

The drawings by Shelomo Selinger, an Auschwitz survivor and sculptor of the Drancy memorial, provide a striking visual element that soberly illustrates the reality of the extermination camps.


A fight against oblivion and indifference

This film meets an urgent need: to collect one last time the testimonies of the survivors before they disappear.

It reminds us that the greatest threat to the memory of the Shoah is forgetfulness, ignorance, and worse, indifference.

“Who will remember tomorrow all these horrors, tortures, and sufferings?” the film asks, confronting us with our collective responsibility.

Only when asked about their faith in God do their faces light up with a smile. “Where was God in Auschwitz?” they ask.


Why? Faces of the Shoah: a project driven by will and commitment

Self-produced after five years of effort, Why? Faces of the Shoah found no support from television channels or production companies. This lack of interest sadly underscores the challenge of preserving memory in today’s society.


Why? Faces of the Shoah questions, moves, and educates

The Shoah is a universal legacy that concerns all people, both Jews and non-Jews.

And the official theatrical release on January 29, 2025, at 8 PM will be a unique opportunity to pay tribute to these witnesses and pass on their words to future generations. A must-see film, to never forget.

Who will carry on the memory of an event with no equivalent in human history and remember what Primo Levi called The Shame of the World?

What threatens the memory of the Shoah is therefore forgetfulness, ignorance… and worse, indifference.

“They say we have seen everything, or almost everything, about the Shoah, but today, the last survivors are disappearing. It was urgent to collect their testimonies one last time and to transmit this memory in turn… This is what we call the duty of remembrance,” says Stéphane Krausz.



Why? Faces of the Shoah



Why? Faces of the Shoah : official release on January 29 at 8 PM.


Faces of the Shoah, click on the picture to watch the trailer




Films to watch during Dia(s)porama festival, “Regards Juifs” on intervnational films

Listen to the French podcast Falafel Cinéma  and the episode on Cinq films sur la mémoire

Read  Nous Anahnou, dystopia on memory.




Documentaries by Michaël Prazan




SOPHIE NAHUM, who funded “The Last Ones”



“The Last Ones” of Auschwitz

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz,”Les Derniers ” have decided to produce and make freely available, in both French and English, a new 70-minute documentary feature film.

Bringing together 28 of the very last witnesses of this camp, this collective film traces the journey of a deportee, from their arrest to their harrowing perspective on the present. Available from january 23rd at 8PM on YouTube and Thelastones.org






The Shoah Memorial is proud to present a series of five new short films directed by Éric Toledano and Olivier Nakache.

Each of these 15-minute films testifies to a moving encounter between a young person today and a survivor, the last living witness of the Shoah.

Through these intergenerational exchanges, Larissa Cain, Judith Elkan-Hervé, Ginette Kolinka, Yvette Lévy, and Léon Placek share their stories, anchoring the memory of the Shoah in a living and intimate transmission with Nadhir, Tara, Érvin, Anna, and Camille.


Episode 1 : Léon Placek & Camille



Episode 2 : Yvette Lévy & Tara




Episode 3 : Larissa Cain & Anna





Episode 5 : Judith Elkán & Ervin



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