Pinocchio de Matteo Garrone

Why to watch Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone

On May 4th, the new adaptation of Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone came out on Amazon Prime.
Why to watch Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone.

Matteo Garrone vs Disney

The story of Pinocchio has always been tricky.

This serial, written par an Italian writer and journalist, in 1881, Carlo Lorenzini (pseudonym Carlo Collodi) is the story of a little boy created by a carpenter, Gepetto.

In the original story, Pinocchio hung himself. Carlo Collodi’s friend, Guido Biagi, advised him to change the end. And  Enrico Mazzanti became the first illustrator of Pinocchio.

Adapted by Disney, it is known as one of his best cartoons. I always find it sad and violent but I also always had a fascination for this character so extraordinary.

Pinocchio is a puppet, the clown mocked by the other children (and we can rely his character to Joker. Crooks kidnap him, and take him in world where children are slaves and are being punished harshly when they don’t obey.

We know that Pinocchio is doing well at the end. But what about the others ?

Matteo Garrone, director of the great Gomorra (adapted from the novel of Roberto Saviano) and Dogman, committed himself in Pinocchio. Roberto Benigni adapted it himself in 2002.

This movie is again played by Robert Benigni. 

Matteo Garrone reconnects himself with the origins of the story. We can guess he wanted to do a fresco, that denounces violence on the most vulnerable people in our society. This movie is one the most beautiful I ‘ve seen since the beginning of 2020. My deepest regret is that I couldn’t watch it in a movie theater. The director did a wonderful movie between the marvelous and terrifying events which happen to Pinocchio. I thought about Fellini for the strangeness of this moving tale where mortality is at the heart of this story.






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