Festival of Jewish Cultures.
Festival of Jewish Cultures
June 13th till 23rd
The 15th Festival des Cultures Juives has already started, performed by the great Barbara Hendrick and her Blues Band.
Many movies to see during this Festival, don’t forget to book !
To watch – Don’t forget to book !
June 19th : “Grandmas Project” au Cinéma Le Luminor
5 series, : Molokheya (Jonas Parienté), Kneider (Franckie Wallach), Salade cuite (Elsa Lévy), Marillenknodel (Mona Achache)
One Premiere : “Couscous Boulettes” de Laure Protat.
June 20th: 15 H Cercle Bernard Lazare “La cuisine au beurre” (1963) de Gilles Grangier.
June 21st: 14h :Centre Medem-Arbeter Ring
Documentary « Mais où est donc passé le Gefilte fish ?”on Israeli food, by Ayelet Heller with Tel Friedman.
Concerts, workshops….